Coronavirus Update

In March 2020 the National College of Education responded quickly to the COVID-19 pandemic by adapting all of our delivery to a fully online model that was responsive to the needs of our learners and continued to deliver high quality training.  All of our programmes have continued to run smoothly during this challenging period with face-to-face delivery days replaced by live webinar sessions and online tutor support.  It was, and continues to be, an unprecedented time and as the pandemic continues on, our approach with learners has been adaptable, flexible, supportive and caring to ensure they achieve their outcome with minimal disruption and maximum support.  

Due to COVID-19, increased pressures in schools and prolonged lockdowns, there is now more than ever a greater emphasis on health and wellbeing, safeguarding and mental health.  To support our learners, regular welfare checks take place to ascertain how they are coping during these challenging times.  In addition, further dedicated adult safeguarding training has taken place.

If we can support you in any way then please get in touch by calling 0208 221 9089 or by email at